about therapy

Risks and Benefits of Therapy

People decide to start therapy for a wide variety of reasons. Whatever the reason, though, it usually boils down to wanting better – or at least wanting to feel better.  Therapy can be very effective in helping people accomplish just that.  Therapy can be a place to learn about yourself, to gain perspective, and to learn new ways of thinking about and interacting with the world.  Because of this, therapy isn’t generally thought of as …

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Looking for Advice? You might be Disappointed.

I remember being corrected very quickly on the first day of my first graduate-level Intro to Counseling Course – back when I was a wee-little aspiring Therapist – when I used the word “advice” to refer to something that might be offered to a client during a therapy session.  “We don’t give advice”, I was told by my professor.  She then went on to explain all of the reasons why…I got it…but it prompted a …

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Ask a Therapist Anything – Part 1 of 3

I recently reached out to family and friends on Social Media giving them the opportunity to “Ask a Therapist Anything”.  In my Blog posts  I strive for as much transparency as possible and try to provide people with a glimpse into the often mysterious/private world of Therapy.  I’ve written about why people decide to go (or not to go) to therapy, benefits of therapy, a little bit about what actually happens in my office, and …

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Finding the BEST Therapist in Tampa

Spoiler Alert: Although I know a lot of GREAT Therapists in Tampa, I won’t be recommending any single best Therapist for you in this blog post.  Why, you ask?  Well If I did have to make that recommendation, then my bias alone would force me to recommend myself 🙂 – and it might not be true FOR YOU.  That’s because the best Therapist just so happens to be the Therapist that is best for you. …

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Let me tell you about my Clients

Before anybody reading this freaks out, I should start by saying there are a few things that prevent me from sharing any specific details (or identifying information) about the individuals I work with. They’re things like HIPAA, The American Counseling Association’s Code of Ethics, and a set of personal values/beliefs (outside of legal requirements) I hold that allow me to create an environment of trust. The sensitive things people share with me stay within the …