Do Your Therapist’s Politics Matter? And Is It Okay to Ask?

Back in graduate school for Counseling (around 2012 or so), I don’t remember talking about politics in class. Sure, we discussed ethics, values, how transparent therapists should (or should not) be in session, and how therapist biases might impact the work—but I don’t recall ever discussing how who you voted for in the last election might come up when consulting with potential clients. I wonder if they do that now. It’s not that there wasn’t …

Understanding Mental Health Credentials

Understanding Mental Health Credentials: Who to See for What? A Guide to Understanding Psychologists, Counselors, Therapists, Psychiatrists, Social Workers, and More.

Understanding Mental Health Credentials: Who to See for What? A Guide to Understanding Psychologists, Counselors, Therapists, Psychiatrists, Social Workers, and More. This blog was written by Joel Schmidt, LMCH and Owner of Float On Counseling. The Tampa Bay area is pretty well saturated with mental health professionals, which is good news if you’re looking to work on your mental and emotional health – but it can be confusing to know who to see for what …

When to avoid bad mental health therapy

Bad Therapy – And How to Avoid it

This blog was submitted and written by Joel Schmidt, Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Owner of Float On Counseling. To start therapy sessions with Joel, please visit our “Contact Us” page. I get how daunting the therapist search can be – and the last thing you want to find out after choosing a “therapist near me” is to find out that you’ve signed up for bad therapy. Here I’ll talk about what “bad therapy” is …

Things a therapist wishes to say but never will

Things I Wish I Could Say as a Therapist – But Probably Never Will

This post was written by Joel Schmidt, Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Owner of Float On Counseling. If you would like to schedule an appointment with Joel, please visit our “Contact Us” page. Therapy can be weird. As a therapist, there are things that I would like to say to some of my clients – but I probably never will. If you’ve read any of my blog posts before, you’d know that I talk a …