therapy, anxiety, common issues in therapy, therapist tampa, carrollwood therapist, carrollwood counseling

Common Themes in Therapy

As a Therapist, I often run into very similar themes again and again…This, I believe, is because so many of the things we struggle with as human beings are universal.  Although that’s the case, so many of these things people struggle with are dealt with in silence – and with a belief that these issues are somehow unique to oneself – implying some kind of inherent or fundamental flaws. Because of this, many of these …

minset, fixed mindset, growth mindset, therapy, tampa therapist, carrollwood therapist, carrollwood counseling, counselor tampa, tampa counseling, male therapist

Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset: Are you Limiting Yourself?

One of the things I’ve found to be so powerful as it relates to capacity for success and positive growth in people’s lives is this intangible idea of mindset…so much of what limits us (or allows us to be able to propel ourselves forward in life) has to do with our thinking alone.  Whether not we can do the things we want to do in our lives has more to do with whether or not …

therapy tampa, get unstuck, set goals, counselor tampa, tampa counselor, carrollwood therapy, male therapist

Ten Simple Tricks to Stay “Stuck”

This week I thought I’d stay on the theme, similar to “foolproof ways to increase anxiety” and “surefire ways to stay depressed” and write about ways you can ensure you stay good and stuck in life.  Turns out, staying “stuck” is pretty darn easy, too…and here are just a few ways you can stay comfortably stagnant in life.

anxiety, anxiety therapy, therapy for anxiety, counseling for anxiety, anxiety therapist, anxiety counselor, therapist tampa, counselor tampa

15 Foolproof Ways to Increase Anxiety!

In my last blog post, I shared “15 Surefire ways to stay nice and depressed”…So this week I thought I’d write about some fun and easy ways to increase your anxiety as well. Although depression doesn’t like company much, anxiety is one of its trusty companions – So here we go!