Tampa therapist, tampa counselor, benefits of exercise, exercise and mental health, carrollwood counselor, counseling carrollwood, therapy in carrollwood, carrollwood therapy

My 100 Mile March – And all of the Benefits Noticed

At the end of February, I decided to set some pretty aggressive goals for March.  Goals varied in nature, but were linked to areas of personal growth, professional development, and overall improvement of my health. One of my goals was to run 100 miles in March by starting off each day with a jog early in the morning. I’m already a pretty regular runner, but usually had only ever averaged about 2 miles per day …

male therapist, secular therapist, tampa counselor, counselor tampa, therapist tampa, counselor tampa, carrollwood counselor, carrollwood therapist

Let me tell you about my Clients

Before anybody reading this freaks out, I should start by saying there are a few things that prevent me from sharing any specific details (or identifying information) about the individuals I work with. They’re things like HIPAA, The American Counseling Association’s Code of Ethics, and a set of personal values/beliefs (outside of legal requirements) I hold that allow me to create an environment of trust. The sensitive things people share with me stay within the …

Secular Therapy, secular therapist, tampa secular therapy, religion, spirituality, deconversion, nonreligious counseling

Secular Therapy – What it is and Who can Benefit

I should probably start by saying that most therapy – unless otherwise specified – is or at least should be secular in nature.  The term “secular” simply refers to “attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis”.  Practices and theories for psychotherapy are rooted in evidence-based practices, so as I already suggested, therapy for mental health issues starts off with the assumption that it is secular in nature unless marketed as …

tampa therapy, tampa counseling, therapist tampa, counselor tampa, male therapist, existential therapy tampa, existential therapy, secular therapy, secular counseling

How to Find Meaning in Life – When Meaning Doesn’t Seem Obvious

Most people – regardless of worldview, religious beliefs, or cultural background – have given at least some thought to the idea of “meaning” or “purpose” in life.  For some, it’s not much more than a passing thought.  For others, it’s a struggle; a lifelong pursuit in finding the answers to questions such as “what does it all mean?”, “why am I here?”, “what’s my purpose?, or “Is there any purpose?”.  When the sun dies out …